Docklands, February 2025

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Saturday afternoon

We drove down to the beach.  I have walked up our road three or four times and it is something of a pull.  I do not think that Jim or I would enjoy walking all the way up from the beach!

It was Saturday afternoon. The sun was shining.  It was probably 26 or 27 d.  People had flocked down to the beach and were having a great time

We turned right at the beach and followed a path along the side of the cliff

It was a lovely walk, although we had to concentrate on our footing - you wouldn't want to trip and fall over the side of the cliff and land on the rocks below!!

We were heading to the next bay along when we came to a set of steps going up the cliff.  We pondered this and decided to head up the steps.  At the top, we had a choice of going left or right.  We decided to go right, heading back in the direction of our starting point.  It was again a lovely walk until this

more or less disappeared.  The path has slipped in places and all you have is a narrow bit of path, sloping downwards.  Not absolutely ideal if you are not a climber.  Or even a scrambler. I couldn't get a photo of it because I was too busy hanging on to tall grassy clumps, or agapanthus (agapanthus gets absolutely EVERYWHERE!!) or scratchy bushes.  It wasn't a very long bit of almost path but it took us a long time to cross it!!

But cross it we did.  And ended up in the car park on the point that we can see from our apartment

We walked back along the road, where there is an actual pavement!!!!

We got back to the carpark and decided that we were deserving of an ice cream.  Alas, the ice cream van only had ice creams with strawberries in them. Even the banana ice cream was stirred through with strawberry. Fine for me, but no good for Jim.  Kudos to the ice cream maker - when he realised that Jim couldn't eat strawberries he called us back from where we were sitting while I had my ice cream and said that he had washed out all the equipment and could make Jim a strawberry free banana ice cream.  We sat for a bit longer while Jim had an ice cream that  wasn't going to poison him :-)

I looked at an online map when we got back to the apartment.  If we had turned left rather than right at the top of the steps, it would have been a short path up to the road, about half a kilometre away from the car park on the point.  Oh well.  We'll know for next time.  (Although if we ever walk along those cliffs again, we might not go up the steps and just continue on to the next bay along.)

We very much enjoyed our dinner, which mostly came from things we had bought in the market.  I have to tell you that lamb chops coated in fairly finely milled oats are a real pleasure.  Alas - I used all the oats so tonight's fish will have to be cooked just in seasoned flour. I must remember to buy a lemon!

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