Docklands, February 2025

Monday, March 09, 2015

Peddler Street Food Market

This weekend saw the third Peddler Street Food Market. We enjoy them a lot, but the Friday manifestations get going too late for us to go after I finish work, and it's not big enough to make it worth coming all the way from Chesterfield for on a Saturday afternoon or evening. So we try to tie it in with something else. Like an afternoon shift at Bishops' House instead of our more usual morning shifts.  And that is what we did on Saturday.

I must say that I quite like doing the afternoon at Bishops' House. It gives us the morning to get a few things done at home, and generally there are more visitors on Saturday afternoon than there are in the morning.  Although, having said that, the stats showed that there had been quite a few visitors in the morning this weekend, including a couple from New Zealand! And we had our fair share as well.

After we closed up, we headed into the Sheffield City Centre to the Peddler market, where we drank a glass of wine each (fizzy wine for me :-) ) and ate wontons and pizza and buttermilk chicken and chips and had a nice potter about.  I might have had another glass of fizzy wine.  The Builder, in his guise as Chauffeur, did not have another glass of (still) wine. We had just got back to the car, tummies nice and full, when I had a message from Tabitha to say that they and Freyja were just arriving.  So we turned round and headed back.

It had been Cally's birthday party in the afternoon.  Her birthday isn't until next Saturday, but she has already been invited to three parties next weekend.  She had hers a week early (and is now absolutely convinced that she has turned four.  She must have done.  She's had her party!!!)  There was face painting at her party, amongst other fun things to do

Bat Cally
Freyja is a hippo :-)
There were quite a lot of people at the market that we knew.  We ran across some people from work, a few SHU students, my former Japanese teacher, and Simon.

We didn't need anything more to eat or drink, so we headed back to the car and trundled home.

I managed to get out into the garden on Sunday morning and do a bit more digging of the side flower bed.  The Builder, in his guise as Chief Painter and Decorator, has now all but finished painting the dining room.  There is a bit of touching up to do, and one very small piece of skirting board that got completely overlooked!  I'll be able to start putting things away again very soon.  And we have now turned our attention to the kitchen.  The Chief Decorator has done the window sill already and is now doing the upper cupboards on the right hand side.

We've emptied the crockery cupboards for ease of decorating.  The contents are all over the kitchen benches.  No room for cooking.  Take Away seemed to be in order.  I remembered that when Tabitha and Gareth are at our place (when we are not) they use the Just Eat website for ordering food.  So I registered with them and ordered two helpings of fish and chips, which arrived in good time and proved to be ENORMOUS!  I've kept some back to reheat for dinner tonight! I can't remember ever having ordered take away food for delivery before.  It was kind of fun!

Bat Cally off in search of yummy things

Me and Freyja the Hippo

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