Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

It turned out to be quite a foody weekend, a little to our surprise.  We had no real plans and had assumed we would potter about at home and not go out much or do very much.

But on Saturday we headed to the Garden Centre for a few bits and pieces, and then to Marsh Green, where we took delivery (by appointment - we didn't just rock up on the off chance) of a box load of a whole hogget (meat from a sheep of between one and two years of age). The butcher had thoughtfully prepared it in packets suitable for two eaters, so no huge roasting pieces that take a week for two people to chomp their way through. He had also beautifully labelled each packet, which were ready to pop in the freezer.  After carefully packing it away in the freezer, we headed out again, this time to the Nettle for a lovely Saturday Lunch.

It's ages and ages since we were last at The Nettle. I think they thought we had run away. Although it struck me as a bit odd that they asked not where we had been (it's not unusual for us to reappear at this time of year after a long absence; we are often in Australia and the Far East in January/February), but rather if one of us had been ill! It won't be such a long time before our next visit.  We are going for The Builder's birthday eve dinner.

On Sunday we hopped back in the car and took ourselves off to Chatsworth. We had a nice potter around in their garden centre, and a pootle in the farm shop and a lovely drive through the estate.  We don't go out there as much as we used to.  Marsh Green sells many of the same sort of things (although obviously not the Chatsworth branded goods). It's not as big, but it's much closer. The one thing that Chatsworth has that Marsh Green doesn't is a good fish counter.  But that, apparently, is coming soon.

We went home and had a lovely piece of slow roasted lamb shoulder for our Sunday roast.  The butcher did a good job of cutting joints just right for two.  There is a bit left for tonight but not enough for a full shepherd's pie.  I am going to have to eke it out with LOADS of vegetables.  Just as well we bought lots over the weekend!

The Builder went to the hospital today to have his blood stickiness measured and has been told he doesn't need to go back for that any more.  He's been handed back to his GP and doesn't need to go until April 8th. He does have to go back to the hospital this week. He has to go for scans of his abdomen.  They want to see if they can find out why he got the DVT in the first place.  They may not find out, but they want to eliminate the possibility of nasty, hidden diseases.

In his spare time, he continues to paint the kitchen :-D

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