Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

It was such a quiet weekend just gone that there is almost nothing to report.  I hardly even remember Saturday!

The weather was beautiful.  A tiny taste of Spring.  I got out and did a bit more digging in the flower bed along the fence - usually known as the shrubbery.  I had decided that once I had dug it over I would transplant the hollyhocks there so they could be supported by the fence.  I dug a hole, turned away to dig up a hollyhock - and when I turned back there was a duck in the hole, and three hens scratching around beside her!  I think they think that my digging is entirely for their benefit :-D There are certainly plenty of worms in the soil - although not as many as there had been before I started digging and the ducks and hens came to see what I was doing.

The Builder, in his guise as Chief Decorator, carried on painting the dining room walls.  In order to disguise the pink, he put a couple of coats of white paint on

followed by the yellow, and the brighter yellow glossy paint for the wood

Lindsey says it's a bit bright, but bright was what we wanted (the room doesn't get a lot of direct sunlight) and I think it will look less bright once we've got the furniture back in place and time has faded it a bit.  We've now shifted the everything away from the opposite wall and the Chief Decorator has started painting it white. He's pretty much ready to start the yellowing of it.

We have also, now, embarked on revitalising the kitchen, which is perfectly functional but looking very dated.  We don't want to go to all the expense of a new kitchen when this one works perfectly well.  A couple of coats of paint and all should be fine.  I hope!

Speaking of The Builder, he's now down to visiting the hospital twice a week and his INR levels, which were too low, are now a wee bit too high. But apart from that his circulation seems to be improving.  Now we just have to fix his back!

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