Docklands, February 2025

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Not planning to retire yet

In the (highly unlikely) event that I can ever afford to retire I am going to have to be very careful not to fall into bad habits.  Here it is, after 9:00 in the morning, and I am still sitting around in my night attire and fluffy dressing gown.  Mind you - it is extremely windy and still rather wet outside so there is no absolute imperative to do anything.  I was woken at 4:30 (you could learn to dislike intensely a time like 04:30 when you are greeted by it pretty much every morning and when there is no need to be awake - not that there often is need to be awake at 04:30!!) by a howling gale and squally but very heavy rain.  To my surprise I went back to sleep and didn't wake up again until 07:30. And have only just got up.  Doesn't augur well for an active life of retirement!!!

The other thing I will need to be careful about is noting the days of the week.  I haven't even been off work for two weeks yet and I am chronically confused by what day it is.  Fortunately my computer knows!  But that really doesn't augur well for retirement.

So it is probably just as well that there is absolutely no prospect of an ongoing idle life in the foreseeable future.  I go back to work on Monday with no plans for any time off after that until Easter (well, apart from the odd day here and there).

It crossed Freyja's mind on Tuesday that Wednesday would, most unusually, see The Builder, me, Tabitha, Cally and her all off work and all, more or less, in the same place.  Did The Builder and I fancy going into Sheffield and all meeting somewhere for lunch.  Now I find this very hard to explain, but I am always deeply reluctant to go into Sheffield on days when I am not at work or don't have pre-arranged things to do. It's not that I don't like Sheffield. It's not even that it's particularly far away or onerous to get to.  Can't explain it at all. But my practically instant reaction to "Why don't you come into Sheffield and we'll ..." is nearly always "Bleurgh.  Yet ANOTHER trip to Sheffield".  And yet, when I go, I always enjoy whatever it is we've gone to do.  On this occasion, however, I counter- suggested that she, Tabitha and Cally could perhaps come to us, on the bus which passes right by the bottom of Tabitha's road. So no need for me to go to Sheffield and they don't mind pottering about on the bus.

So The Builder went to collect them from the bus station, and I made pizzas and we all had a merry afternoon - except perhaps Marlo who was a bit disconcerted to find a small, rapidly moving creature running around in his lounge room (not that she can run, but she can crawl very quickly and can walk around with alacrity as long as she's hanging on to something - won't be long!!!)  Gareth missed out on the pizzas and merriment, given that he actually was doing something useful and was at work.  Then Tabitha, Cally and Freyja went back to Sheffield on the bus and The Builder and I settled in for a lazy evening.

Looks as though today is going to be a lazy day as well.  No plans.  And I'm *still* not dressed!!!

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