Docklands, February 2025

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day Off

I had a remarkably long day at work on Tuesday.  I had a 2 hour meeting in the morning that required a fair level of concentration.  I had a 1.5 hour meeting in the afternoon that also required concentration. Then I was on the desk from 5-9 - which required considerable concentration to keep me awake!!!

I decided to take Wednesday off.  I declared it to be a Saturday.  A supplementary Saturday, sat in the middle of the week :-)

And I really enjoyed it.  We got up spectacularly late by our standards (I somehow managed to sleep through the radio coming on and both of my alarm calls going off).  We pottered about in a leisurely sort of a way.  We went to Sainsbury's (for not only was it a day off, but it was also payday for me, so I did a few payday bits of shopping) and to the Garden Centre for some bird food supplies.  We drove out to Chatsworth in a backwards rotation from our point of view (usually we go to Chatsworth then to Sainsbury's for mop up shopping) and thence on to The Nettle for a truly lovely chicken and leek pie (well, I had a chicken and leek pie. The Builder had gammon and egg and chips). And then we went home and watched television and read books and played games on the Internet.  It was a lovely, lovely day.

And the weather was proper English weather.  Misty and cloudy and damp - which sounds very dreary (and is, when it goes on day after day after day).  But it is evocative and very atmospheric when you are out driving over the moors and in the countryside.  The trees are beautiful and dark and sometimes twisted, and the mist curls and furls and unfurls. And sometimes it turns into tendrils of fog.  And the frost and ice had gone and the temperature had once again turned quite mild.

It came as something of a shock to the system to wake up this morning and find that it wasn't Sunday, but Thursday.  But I could easily get used to having a second Saturday on a Wednesday!

I have been working on the Grand World Tour savings account.  So far I think I have enough to get us to Rome :-D

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