Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Food, Wine and Merriment

There was a meeting on Friday evening of the volunteers and committee for Bishops' House. It started at 7:30 and it hardly seemed worth my while going home to Tupton, just to turn around and head straight back to Sheffield.  So I suggested to The Builder that he come into Sheffield at around 6pm, meet me and we could go somewhere for an early bite to eat before the meeting.  He thought this was a good idea.

So we thought we would go to the Rutland Arms, which isn't far from where I work and does nice pub grub.  Alas, when we got there it was absolutely chockers full (mostly of students, I think - which surprised me because it has never been a student pub and I would have thought it was slightly off the student track).  No chance of getting a meal there then. 

So we headed up towards Bishops' House and stopped at a pub along the way.  No food there at all. 

Then I remembered that there is a cafe not far from BH and as far as I remembered they were open on Friday evenings.  So we went there. And they are open on Friday evenings.  And on Fridays they do Caribbean food.  So we had an unexpected delightful Caribbean meal and shared a bottle of wine and headed off to the meeting feeling full and replete.

We didn't stay long after the meeting, when there was cake and wine and chatter.  I had been awake for the better part of the previous night and was feeling exceptionally sleepy.

Saturday was a relatively lazy day.  No unexpected food adventures, but we did replenish the cat food supplies, to the great relief of the cat, and we replenished the wine supplies and generally pottered about.

Sunday was much more engaging.

Raspberry and white chocolate tart for dessert
You may remember that a little over a year ago, Julia and Timon called by for lunch with Freyja on their way to New York (not Freyja, she was just accompanying them to our place - no exciting New York adventures for her!).  Well, it's nearly time for them to return to Australia and they decided to pay a visit to Western Europe before heading back to the Antipodes.  I have been following Julia's NYC blog with interest while they've been there and have noted that one of the things she has really missed has been roast lamb. Or, indeed, any lamb. I don't think the denizens of NYC eat a great deal of sheep.  So I said that if she came unto Tupton I would provide roast lamb for her.  So she and Timon and Freyja and Simon trundled to Chesterfield on the train on Sunday and I provided the promised roast lamb (veggie alternatives available on request).  With Yorkshire puddings.  Julia is also rather partial to Yorkshire Puddings and I rather suspect they are almost as often on the New York menus as roast lamb appears to be.  We had a lovely afternoon eating and chatting - but not drinking a great deal.  Freyja thought it highly likely that I would start be reporting that they had all headed out on the razzle the previous evening and had had the temerity to turn up to my Sunday feast remarkably hungover and sleep deprived.  In fact, I had intended to gloss over this.  But I think I might, perhaps, just mention it in passing since Freyja had raised it :-D  The Builder and I had not been razzling and thus were not hung over or sleep deprived.  The Builder, alas, was taking the visitors back to the station when they left so couldn't indulge much over lunch (he caught up when he got home).  But I could. So while everyone was partaking of the non-alcoholic cocktails I had found for non-drinkers, I got to drink the wine.

Julia and Timon head back to New York for a final month next week.  Freyja and Simon are heading over for a few days just before Julia and Timon go home.  The Builder and I have no New York Plans.  But I think I have enough now in the Grand World Tour account to get us as far as Athens, possibly even a little further, depending on which deals I could find.  Not that Athens figures in my plans, but I like to know how far I could get if I wanted to. The Grand World Tour at the moment features SE Asia, Australasia and the Far East.  Europe doesn't, as yet, get a look in!

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