Docklands, February 2025

Friday, May 07, 2010

The Travel Dogs clearly love us a very great deal indeed

... for that volcano has continued to cause trouble!  Flights are being suspended in random countries now.  Ireland, Scotland, Portugal, Switzerland.  Not for long, not at the same time.  But random ash attacks break out over people's airspace and there goes the air travel!  It was very convenient of the Nordic Dogs of Volcanoes to set it off two days after we got to Melbourne and to cause a little lull in their chaos and confusions to allow us to get home again in an unhassled and unhindered manner.

This was not the case for one of the Information Specialists who had a nightmarish and exceedingly expensive trip overland back from Morocco while we were away!

Monday, as you may remember, was a Bank Holiday.  I had taken Tuesday off to catch up with the washing, and Wednesday to catch up with the ironing.  And maybe to get a bit of gardening done, a little tidying up, a gentle move back into normal routine.  The washing and the ironing project went well.  But can anyone explain to me how it was that instead of getting out into the garden in the sunshine on Wednesday, I decided that it was absolutely essential that I turn out all the upstairs cupboards?  Granted it needed doing.  But it's needed doing for years.  There was no absolute imperative to do it on Wednesday.  When the sun was shining.  Because it's not shining now!!

And back to work on Thursday.  Was a bit of a shock to the system.  Not the actual going into the office and attempting to be useful.  I quite enjoy my job.  I like my colleagues. No, it was the getting up and having to move purposefully at some ungodly hour in the morning that was the shock.  I have got used, over the past few weeks, of drifting gently into the day, playing on my laptop, pottering about, pondering breakfast.  Getting up and Having To Do Things was a definite shock to the system.

Although - having said all that, I am inclined to agree with Lindsey that it would be easy to get used to the retired life - always supposing you could find some way of funding it adequately!!

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