Docklands, February 2025

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Steak Night

Actually, scrunching all those people into the flat worked quite well.  Lindsey had bought some new folding chairs.  Oldies sat around the table.  Younger people disported themselves around the flat, sitting in the kitchen or by the balcony.  We had steak and salmon, roast potatoes, salad, and apple pie, berry pie and custard for afters.  We drank lots of wine, played lots of computer and iPhone games, made lots of noise and, I think, all had a good time.

Here were:  Lindsey and Ian; The Builder and me; Simon; Wendy; Ant, Jess and Krumm; Emily; Christian and Cassie; Yvette and Jacob.  Bethan decided that discretion was the better part of valour and went to play with friends.

It was a good farewell party for us.

And now it is really our last day.  Melbourne has turned on a glorious day for us.  We are packed and ready to go.  Lindsey is at work.  Ian has gone to visit his mother.  When we are all reassembled we are off for lunch.  And we fly this evening.

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