Docklands, February 2025

Monday, May 17, 2010


We've cleared out the fish pond of most of the water mint and water forget me nots - which were threatening to take over the entire pond, leaving no room at all for fish or frogs or anything else.  We now have a rather pretty clump of plants in one corner, many traumatised fish and extremely murky water.  Really must work out how you clear out a fish pond when there are more than 25 fish in it!

I've started trimming around the fruit trees, where the grass is a couple of feet high.  Looks much better where I've trimmed.

We are getting ready to dig up the brassicas, so we can plant melons and pumpkins and courgettes - I've just planted more courgette seeds, and so far we have one watermelon plant and one squash plant coming on, but I planted new seeds last weekend.

The weather is warming up and it is VERY tempting to start planting things out.  But it's still too early.  We had a few quite hard frosts last week and it would be sad if all the plants were to die!

But so far, so good.  Making steady progress.  And The Under Gardener continues to dig  :-)

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