Docklands, February 2025

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Tuesday nights at the flat have become "slow cooker food nights"
We started off just after xmas with beef stroganoff and a vegggie dish curried chick peas - not that the vegetarians turned up
the following week we had the beef strog again and had a veggie strog with blue cheese - was the most wonderful of flavours!
we have now ventured into desserts - rice pudding not a success as never came to the boil and had to be transferred into the proper oven will try again with the other slow cooker which seems to heat a little better
we have cooked lamb roast and shanks and a chilli beef and a chilli veg to have with tacos
tues nights of take away have been abandoned and slow cooking is the way to go
the whole family turns up including simon and the kids if he has them
the left overs either go home with jess to her housemates or christian takes them so we are feeding plenty
my friend suggests we have pork in ginger ale will have to experiment with that some time

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