Ise Shima, Japan, November 2024

Thursday, May 02, 2024

Not Dead - Yet

I did go to visit Stella on Monday, at my usual time of around 2pm.

She was up and dressed and in her chair, but sound asleep, almost unconscious. She would wake up if you spoke her name but wasn't properly responsive. Her breathing was very slow.  I was convinced that she wasn't going to make it to teatime, let alone to Tuesday.

So I alerted everyone.

Carers and nurses came. Stella was popped into her pyjamas, her obs were taken. She was put into bed.

She didn't really know who I was. When I asked her what my name was she said that I was Charlie. She did ask if my jumper was new (no, it was one of Tony's) and how the children were. Otherwise, we didn't have much conversation.

Lindsey came up after work and stayed overnight with Stella.

Wendy came up on Tuesday and spent most of the day with her. I went in at lunchtime, when her GP called in to see what was what. Stella was much more alert - and surprised that she had called me Charlie. Who, she enquired, is Charlie? I don't know. Not me. No, she agreed. Your name is Frances. Wendy asked what her name was and Stella grinned and said: Charlie -  and laughed.

Sense of humour intact!

Matthew and family came up yesterday. Stella was almost back to normal. Still in bed, but noticeably better than she had been. Very happy to have visitors.

Boys crying wolf might have been mentioned to me!

Not dead yet!

Meanwhile, back at my place, I have bought a new mat for the laundry, under the sink:

Someone seems to have commandeered it!

Laundry Kat

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