Sunset from Hill House, Mount Helen. February 2024

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Under Gardener has been very busy this week.  he has been a-dig, dig, digging in the lovely spring sunshine, both on the allotment and at home.  He has dug over the shrubbery, thoroughly weeded it and prepared it for re-planting.  We have now planted the coenothus and the rosemary, plus we have put in the poor hydrangea which has been struggling along, neglected and unwatered in a huge pot by the front door.  The Under Gardener has also pretty much finished weeding the flower beds and is now preparing the vegetable beds for the late spring planting.

Today I planted in modular seed trays: pumpkins, watermelons, sweet melons, zucchini, and red peppers.  I planted in flat seed trays white and purple sprouting broccoli and leeks.  We have also prepped and planted the carrot boxes, with various hues of carrots.  We seem to have no cucumber seeds!!  We have decided to wait a bit and buy a couple of seedlings, for laziness' sake.  I have still to plant all the various cabbages - only we have run out of potting mix.  I also have my seaside daisy seeds to plant, plus extra plantings of beetroot.  And there are, of course, the salad boxes to get up together.

But I'm fairly sure I have forgotten something!!!!

In the meantime, the cost per individual egg has now dropped below 50p for the first time (taking all the costs, including set up costs, into account).  And the total number of eggs since the chooks started laying is now 930.  Which is not bad, for four youngish chickens.

OHHHHHHHH.  And the asparagus is coming up.  There are five or six stalks nearly ready for picking.  And we have been eating PSB this weekend too :-)

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