Ise Shima, Japan, November 2024

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter holiday

We have had a lovely Easter holiday.  The weather was beautiful - although cloudier and cooler on Easter Sunday itself. 

Roger, Kate and Richard came for the Easter Feast.  We sat inside, rather than out on the patio, and ate cheese and fruit bread, then turkey and apricot parcels with Jersey Royals and asparagus, followed by little meringues with raspberry ripple ice cream, and we chatted and told stories and generally had a lovely time. I was a little worried, though.  Ordinarily when people come for a feast I am all too aware of time whoooooooooshing past and of there not quite being enough time to achieve everything that I want to achieve.  On this occasion, however, I was pretty much ready by 10:00.  In the morning, yes.  It was a bit disconcerting!

We were reasonably active over the weekend too.  The Builder has started the repairs to the fish pond. We have begun clearing up the patio.  We went into Chesterfield on Tuesday (which is not nationally a holiday but which is observed as a closure day at SHU for historical but mysterious reasons) and got The Builder's new glasses and had lunch in The Rutland. We have been to the DIY store a couple of times and to the supermarket and while The Builder has been outside I have made cupcakes and meat pies and tasty food.  I did have to apply medicinal beer to The Builder when he dropped a bag of cement and nearly ripped a finger nail off. And he has gone quite deaf. This means I can say all sorts of things and he can't hear me :-D

And now I am back at work for two days, and The Builder is out with Richard shovelling horse manure.

Freyja has become a steel skater.  I think this means that she is pretty much ready to start bouting for the A team

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