Well now. I hope The Builder enjoyed his birthday weekend, because I certainly did.
His birthday was actually on Saturday, but I had taken Friday off so we could have a nice, leisurely long weekend. And the Weather Dogs rolled up in party mood, and gifted us warm, sunny days with blue skies and light breezes. And we pottered about and trundled around and sloped through our little taster of summer.
We ate lots of nice food (seafood stew on Friday, chicken and vegetable curry on Saturday, pork and scallops on Sunday) and drank wine and lazed.
The Builder had an eye appointment early on Saturday afternoon, so we dropped into town a bit early and had lunch in The Rutland, which does humble pub food, but does it extremely well. They do nice beer too. Not that I had beer, but The Builder did. I had wine. Oh - and they do the most amazing onion rings. Proper thick rings of onion in proper batter. None of this oniony-flavoured puree stuff in something solid and indigestionous!
He organised a new pair of glasses and I had a potter in the market.
We went out to Chatsworth on Sunday morning and admired the magnificent stags and the pretty deer, and avoided running over the sheep, and decided that the people who were out having picnic brunches by the side of the river probably had a good idea. But we weren't out for picnics - we had food waiting for us at home.
So as you see, we didn't really do anything very much. And very delightful all this not doing very much was too. We did do a bit of light gardening and I washed everything that could be washed - not wishing to waste God's air dryer but nothing very onerous.
A good way of spending a birthday weekend, if you ask me
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