Docklands, February 2025

Monday, February 17, 2025


I had a nice, lazy start to yesterday morning.

First, breakfast. Cheers Coffee is closed on Sundays. Other places don't open until 10. Billy Barista was open but was absolutely rammed. So I walked around to Groovy Mama, also busy but bigger than Billy's place.

Groovy Mama is indeed groovy. Not only that, the food was delicious

Salt and pepper shakers on every table

Avocado toast. There was so much avocado under the eggs that I couldn't eat it all! 

I had a mug of cappuccino as well
but you'll have to imagine that 😊

This is supposed to be a weekend of exploring Docklands and working out if it's a viable place for me to live. There is a tram stop a two minute walk from here (if you happen to live in North Balwyn, it would bring you practically to my door) but it isn't the tram I would need to get to work. I  could, of course, use it anyway and then change in the city. But I decided to walk around to the tram that does deliver to work. It took me about 15 minutes of gentle walking.

I didn't stay on it all the way to work, although I did go a stop or two further than I had intended. Not paying attention!

I visited Daiso. I didn't buy much - I'm supposed to be de-cluttering and preparing to downsize  - but I did have a lovely wander around

I took a gentle stroll to Melbourne Central and wandered around the Asian supermarket by the station entrance, then took the tram back out to The District and pottered around there for a bit.

Then home, for a bit of a rest.

The weather finally improved later in the afternoon, so I went for a walk. There are some very serious yachts on the City side of the river. There are, of course, yachts here and over on the New Quay side, but the ones on the South Wharf have some hefty money tied up in them

Back at Victoria Harbour, I think the relative peace and quiet would be shattered very quickly if there was footie or an event or a concert at the Marvel Stadium. This weekend, however, it was deserted and all was calm. There was activity, people fishing or rowing or heading off on afternoon cruises around the Bay, but no yelling or cheering or excess traffic

My Sunday breakfast had been so filling that I didn't need any lunch. I had a small bowl of pumpkin soup and some potato chips mid afternoon. I still wasn't particularly hungry at dinner time so snacked on part of a rotisserie chicken through the evening. I might have had an apple pastry this morning, to prepare me for heading home. You need to be properly fortified before going on an adventure.

The first part of the adventure will be finding the coffee shop where I'm supposed to be meeting Freyja in an hour. But first, I need to get packed and organised

Bye Bye Docklands, for now


  1. It sounds like you had a really good time exploring. I don't know how you feel about visiting, but it sounds a wonderful place for a visit.

    I loved that Beckoning Cat. I always smile when I see one.

    1. I love visiting places and exploring. But I am seriously thinking of Docklands as a (semi) retirement place to live. I am, however, constitutionally quite lazy and actually putting my place on the market and then buying something new and physically moving may be a bit of a challenge!
