Docklands, February 2025

Monday, February 24, 2025

Last Week

I got back from Docklands, looked around my place and decided that I had neither the energy nor the inclination to reduce all my possessions to a level where they would fit into a small, one bedroom apartment. I looked at my gardens, especially the backyard, and decided that it was not possible to bring them up to the standard where I could put them on the market. I didn't even consider the garage!

Anyway. It was too cold, too hot, too windy, too wet, too ... to do anything very much.

Then I remembered the enormous job that clearing out Stella and Tony's place was when she moved to Mount Clear, and it took all of us weeks and weeks and weeks and skips and skips and skips  to empty her place and get it ready for sale. I definitely do not want to leave that as a legacy for my nearest and dearest. And as Freyja pointed out, there is no hurry and I don't have to do everything ALLATONCE.

So I carried on. A nibble here, a small bite there. A drawer in this room, a small cupboard in that room. A weed here, a plant there.  A trip to the Op Shop in Buninyong. A visit to the clothes bin, which had been in Mount Clear but seems to have moved to Buninyong. A couple of visits to the bottle bin in Mount Clear.

And very slowly, the decluttering is making progress. The third bedroom is more or less done. The dining room, likewise, although I do need to clean out the fireplace and move a small table. I need to clear out the fireplace before the winter anyway, and it might as well be now. I have made a start on clearing out the remarkably tall grass that is growing in the garden beds out the back. 

Slowly, slowly.

I have started clearing out the pantry and made a tiny, tiny, tiny start on the garage. 

I also have documentation to assemble for the mortgage advisor, plus there are all the normal activities of daily life that need to carry on. 

It's all a bit daunting if I look at it all together.

So I don't!

(But then I also remember how nice it was to walk to the shops, to catch a frequent tram to the city, to stroll to the library - and not to have to get in the car if I wanted to go pretty much anywhere)

Slowly, slowly ...

PSA:  if you are struggling to remember how to collapse the rather large pet carrier which you bought when you acquired the cats four years ago (because it was the only size you could get at the time), it is wise not to actually collapse it while you are leaning on it!  

I don't think I have ever previously collapsed it - it has been sitting, fully expanded, in the wardrobe of the third bedroom. 

It is collapsed now. And is sitting in an untidy manner in the middle of the lounge room floor. I had intended to add it to the stuff in the garage but someone seems to think it makes an excellent bed

Personally, I think it looks a bit uncomfortable, but Whiskey seems to like it.

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