Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Party Time

I went to Melbourne on Saturday afternoon to my friend Pat's 90th birthday party, at a croquet club near Deer Park

At my Japanese class on Saturday morning the teacher asked me (in Japanese) if I was going to the market.  Not this weekend, I replied. I am going to my friend's 90th birthday party. The teacher queried this, in Japanese - *90th* birthday? and then in English - 90th?  Yes, yes. 90th birthday.

The party was Alice in Wonderland themed. I wore this t-shirt

 Pat was dressed as the Queen  Herself

There were lots of people there

I didn't know many of them, although I did know the people who had been at Pat's place for lunch on Good Friday. And, of course, I knew Ross

Then I went to Ghost's place for the rest of the weekend

Sunday morning was glorious. I thought I might go to the Alphington Sunday Market. Alas, there wasn't a parking space to be had anywhere even close to the market. It looked to be very crowded. I gave up on that idea and went to Kissaten for brunch instead. It was quite busy there too but at least I could get a parking spot, and a table.

They said there would be a bit of a wait for my eggs, bacon and mushrooms on toast, but it was only about 15 minutes and I was quite happy with my coffee and my (online) book

I might have had an iced coffee for dessert.

Then I went for a potter in Clifton Hill and back to Ghost's place for the rest of the day.

I called in to work on my way home yesterday and found it difficult to get a parking spot there too. I don't think I've ever seen the Summerhill car park quite that full, or chaotic. On the other hand, the drive back to Ballarat was remarkably quiet. I think everyone must have been in the shopping centres instead of on the freeways and highways.

I went out into the front yard when it got light this morning. No sign of any koalas. I also wasn't sure how it got in. The child gate was propped across the porch entrance. It wouldn't have been difficult for a koala to knock it over but I doubt it would have thoughtfully put it back up again. However, koalas can jump and the curry plants and lavender along the front fence have been squashed. I have no idea, though, why it thought it was a good idea to come into the front yard in the first place. Brandy is very unsettled this morning so I do wonder if it is still around here somewhere. There are plenty of gum trees it could be lurking in.

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