Docklands, February 2025

Friday, December 13, 2024

A Present for the Kitchen (and other things)

Nathan the Electrician called in on Tuesday morning. Just over an hour later, he left again.

I had emptied out the cupboards under the gas stove, emptied the bench and moved the air fryers and the portable induction cooktops before he arrived. After he left, I cleaned the air fryers and the cupboard shelves and restored a bit of order.

And then the kitchen looked like this:

I am very pleased with my new induction cooktop. I am going to give one of the portable ones to Freyja and Simon, although they don't want the tray that I had sitting over the original, disused gas stove. I'm not sure what to do with it. It's made with nice wood and I don't want to throw it away. I think I might clean it properly and put it in a cupboard, along with the other portable cooktop. I'm sure I'll find a use for it eventually. 

I met Freyja for lunch on Wednesday. We went back to the Korean place. They do nice food there. She and Simon are heading off on Sunday night for a month in Europe, so I won't see her again until they get back.

When I got home I discovered that three of the side panels of the hexagonal bed that Tony's rose bush lives in had been displaced and were lying on the grass. I can't think what had happened to them. My door camera doesn't show anyone walking past, nor does it show any animal movement. I know it doesn't actually show the rose bed, but in order for most people or creatures to get to the bed they would have to go past the front door. One of life's little oddities, I guess. I've restored the sides (with difficulty, it must be said - they didn't want to go back!), topped up the bed with some extra soil, trimmed some straggly bits off the rose bush and thrown in a handful of mixed flower seeds.

I have bought a new cover for the couch I sit on to watch TV. I started to put it on and Brandy decided to help me

Then he got bored with helping and went outside to chase skinks and butterflies and I managed to finish putting the cover on. It was like trying to change the doona cover with a cat helping 😂

It's a bit big, but the next size down would have
been too small.
It will do

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