Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, February 07, 2023

More Lunching

Lindsey and I were working on Saturday morning. It was much, much busier than it had been the last time I worked on a Saturday morning when, you may remember, it was extremely quiet.

We had our usual number of patients and phone calls. Pathology, however, was very busy. There was a new pathology person. She didn't closed her queue until around 15 minutes before closing time.

We were still there, waiting for her to finish, an hour after closing time!

In fact, I didn't mind that. I did, however, mind the faffing around that ensued after she finally got rid of her last client. I couldn't leave until she did (locking the door, you know; putting on the alarm; that sort of thing). Lindsey gallantly waited for me, though she could have gone. Not home, because we were travelling in the same car. But definitely to the cafe where we were meeting Freyja and Simon for lunch. It was only a little way down the road.

I may have got a bit tetchy when pathology still hadn't finished at 13:20!

Finally the pathology lady finished and left. Lindsey and I finally managed to get to the Indonesian cafe where Freyja and Simon were waiting for us. We had delicious food for lunch. (Barramundi in a not too spicy sauce for me - I didn't eat the fresh chillis that adorned my food). Then we went back to their place for a loo stop and a play with Ghost. And then we went home.

Yesterday I had a long overdue visit with my optometrist in East Ivanhoe. I thought my vision had changed a bit but, in fact, it hasn't much. I don't need new reading glasses. I only need new varifocals because the lenses of the old pair are scratched and speckled and I can't see through them. My retinas, optic nerves and eye pressure haven't changed at all. All is well. No sign of macular degeneration (mother) or glaucoma (father) or cataracts - although the optometrist wants me to make an appointment to have my peripheral vision checked. Not because she is worried but because she hasn't ever done it and wants it done as a future benchmark. I had budgeted for two new pairs of glasses but only needed one, so pushed the boat out for more expensive but rather nice frames for the varifocals,  and then took myself to Fairfield to visit Oasis, a Lebanese grocery store and cafe.

I might have had chicken shawarma with tabouli for lunch. I didn't buy any groceries, because I didn't really need anything. I did, however, buy a couple of rather nice salad bowls. And then I went home.

On Sunday, I had actually had to make my own lunch!!!!!!! A bread roll with cheese, tomato and cucumber and a cup of tea. I have to say that it was very nice, if a little less exciting that Japanese Bento, Indonesian fish and Lebanese chicken.

The weather is still strangely cool for February, although it has been warming up as the afternoons progress. There is a positive carpet of leaves from the eucalypts over the side fence, lying in an abandoned manner all over the patio and the grass patch out the back. I might have to sweep and rake - and maybe even go wild and cut the grass again. And I must turn my attention to the front garden. The grass there definitely needs cutting, the long dead broad beans need pulling out and the green bin has been emptied so I can carry on dismantling the shrub by the front fence, and start cutting down the agapanthus that runs rampant down the driveway. I can think of lots of things to do with that garden space that would be more productive or prettier on the eye than agapanthus, red hot pokers and various odd grasses. This may all take me quite a bit of time. I'm restricted by the size of my green bin, which only gets emptied fortnightly.

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