Docklands, February 2025

Friday, February 03, 2023

Birthday Fun

It was Stella's birthday yesterday. She turned 89. She is almost reaching a Good Old Age 😂

We went out to the Stockland Shopping Centre in Wendouree and had lunch in a Japanese cafe.

Birthday Girl having a Bento lunch

Come to that, we each had a Bento lunch!
(Photo by the friendly cafe host)

Then we went for a wander around the shops. There are clothes shops aplenty, but none had anything that Stella particularly fancied. So we went into town and visited Kathmandu and Black Pepper. They had things that Stella fancied. Reduced price things in Kathmandu (no one who has more sense than money would ever buy full priced things in Kathmandu!). A nice padded jacket and a fleecy waistcoat for the winter. And in Black Pepper, a short sleeved shirt and matching trousers just in case the summer ever makes a re-appearance.

We went to Wilsons for veggie and fruit supplies. And then we took the Birthday Girl home for a well deserved rest.

She and I went out again today. We went to visit her GP, who was very pleased with her and said she was doing very well and obviously thriving in the aged care facility. Then Stella and I had another lunch out. Bacon, eggs and mushroom on toast in Maggie and Kates, a little coffee and brunch shop in Buninyong. We more or less managed to dodge the showers that swept through in the course of the day.

Speaking of weather, we had 10 ml of rain late yesterday afternoon, in about that many minutes. It flattened some of my little bushes out the front

I may need to get in and prune them. They didn't get done last autumn, but also didn't get squashed!

Someone needs to tell the Weather Dogs that, although we are grateful that the temperature isn't over 40d, it would be nice if the outside temperature was a tiny bit more than 7d, and the inside temperature would be even nicer if it was a little more than 16d. 

This should not be necessary in FEBRUARY!!

Anyone would think that it was April or May

We could also do without the icy rain, but that isn't bothering me now I am inside and the fire is lit.

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