Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Ballarat Tramway Museum

Stephen, as you may have noticed, is a big fan of trams and trains and most forms of transport. So yesterday he and I headed up to the lake to visit the tramway museum.

If you are familiar with the tram museum in Crich, Derbyshire, you might think that our museum is teeny and tiny. And that is true. It is small, quite new (it was rebuilt in 2021) and very cute. The entry ticket includes a ride on a heritage tram along the top of the lake. It was a beautiful day for a tram ride along the lake.

My kitchen is not yet all electric. I still have the gas hob, although I don't use it and have two mobile induction hobs over the top of it. I also have gas hot water, though I am hoping to change that this year, or possibly next depending on finances. My multiplicity of ovens are electric (one fan oven, one bench top oven, one air fryer). I'm working on it!

Mind you - I'm sure I remember a campaign (in the 70s perhaps?) encouraging people to switch *to* gas as being more efficient than electricity for cooking. But I may be imagining that.

I must find and fill in the form to apply for government subsidies for solar panels, then that plan can go ahead.

Freyja, Simon and Stephen have gone back to Melbourne, ready for their next set of exciting adventures. I am up at Hill House, having looked after Rupert and Hugo overnight. It is much cooler than it has been over the past few days. It was in the high 20s yesterday. I think we are expecting the high teens today and maybe some rain.

2023 is settling in. I wonder what plans it has for us all.

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