Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

And Home

I met Wendy for breakfast on Monday morning. She lives on the same train route as Freyja and Simon so took the train to Westgarth Station. I met her there. We went to 4 Beans Cafe.

Wendy had a restrained plate of fruit toast. I had a variation on my Saturday breakfast and had fried eggs with a side of bacon - and avocado. The avocado was perfect. Exactly as ripe as it should be. I don't know what Wendy had for lunch, but I had fruit toast when I got home, from a loaf I had bought at the Alphington market.

After breakfast,  I topped up Ghost's biscuits and freshened her water bowls and came home, where my cats were quite pleased to see me.

Except that Brandy didn't seem to be particularly hungry. He went outside as soon as I opened the patio door. I knew that Lindsey had fed them on Sunday evening and the biscuit bowls were empty so it was entirely possible that he wasn't actually hungry. But as the afternoon went on he became progressively more unhappy. To the point that I made an appointment for him to see the vet this afternoon. He was crying, on and off, and licking his lips, and his ears were sad. He wasn't eating or chasing butterflies and then later he was hiding under the furniture.

I think he's feeling better this morning. He made it very clear when I got up for a loo stop at about 4am that he was HUNGRY and it was breakfast time. He hasn't stopped eating since. His ears are pricked. His eyes are shiny. All seems well. I'll cancel the vet appointment, which was an emergency spot. Someone else might need it and I'll book him in for a regular appointment, when one becomes available, for a check up. I should probably take Whiskey for a check up as well. They don't either of them trouble the vet's time.

I don't know what the problem was, but I did find a dead frog in their outside water bowl. I haven't ever noticed frogs in or around our place in the four years we have lived here and I found two dead ones yesterday when I got home. One in the cats' water bowl out the back, and one by the window of the spare bedroom out the front. I don't know where they came from. I don't know why they are dead. I don't know if it was their presence that made Brandy unwell. But the dead frogs have been removed. And Brandy is better.

Speaking of wildlife, I have noticed before that there is quite a lot of noise around dawn at Freyja and Simon's place. On Sunday morning I went out to investigate what might be making it. Birds, perhaps? But no. It was the fruit bats that I see heading out for dinner at dusk when I am at the flat in East Melbourne, returning to their roosts at dawn over Westgarth. It was quite a pleasure standing on the front porch, cup of tea in hand, watching the bats returning home. I wonder where they roost.

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