Docklands, February 2025

Monday, July 18, 2022

Uh oh!

The care facility has been invaded by Covid!!!

They had a Covid outbreak last January. I had Jim booked in for a few days so I could go to Marlo but they were locked down so he couldn't go in and I couldn't go to Marlo. I went in May instead. Since then they've had the odd case here and there, among residents and staff, but have managed to keep it all under control.

On Thursday, Stella mentioned that they had a couple of cases in  the facility . On Friday it was 4. By yesterday it was 27,  among both residents and staff. Once again the facility is locked down. They can't come out and we can't go in. Bugger!

Stella is unimpressed but at least understands what is happening and why locking down and keeping the residents in their rooms is a plan. Also, she has a phone and so has access to the outside world. Poor Jim has no phone (he broke his last one and in any case has increasingly found it hard to use) and I don't know if he remembers that he was supposed to be coming out for lunch yesterday. But the facility does have a process where they can organise phone calls for residents so I'll organise that. 

I have things to take in for both of them (shelves and pictures and stuff) but there's no real hurry for that. Next week will do, or whenever they let us back in. But I did find myself with three pieces of salmon yesterday and only me to eat them. I couldn't put them in the freezer - I had only just defrosted them. Fortunately I hadn't opened the tin of mushy peas I was going to give Stella and Jim. They both lerv mushy peas. I am definitely not a fan. The mushy peas have gone back in the pantry. I also hadn't peeled any potatoes for the roasties I was going to make and I hadn't sorted out the rest of the veg. I was going to do all that when I had brought Stella and Jim to the house. Potatoes and vegetables are patiently waiting for me to get around to using them during the week.

I had salmon with noodles and teriyaki vegetables yesterday. I had salmon for breakfast today (you wouldn't think it odd if I said I had smoked salmon on toast for breakfast so I can't see why I shouldn't have fresh salmon if I am minded). And Rupert and Hugo dogfully volunteered to eat the third piece. With some toast, please.

It's not just Mount Clear. Covid is running rampant through Aged Care facilities around Australia. Fortunately, most residents are fully vaccinated and the staff have to be. Come to that, visitors have to be vaccinated as well, in Victoria and NSW. Not sure about the other states. They PCR tested everyone on Saturday. I am hopeful that now they have noticed the virus they may halt its progress.

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