Sunset from Hill House, Mount Helen. February 2024

Thursday, May 14, 2020


It's been a very quiet few days.

We didn't go shopping at the weekend.  We didn't really need anything much and it seemed silly to go shopping just for the sake of it. Anyway, we really need to make some sort of a dint in the things in the freezer and pantry. Then we can get, make and bake more

It's been quite wintry recently.  I don't mean snow, but cold and wet and windy. So not much garden activity.

We have finished the fiendishly difficult jigsaw that Jim was given for Christmas.  He doesn't remember who gave it to him and everyone I have asked has denied responsibility.  It kept us busy for AGES!

It was very large.  It took up a full half of our dining table, which is not a small table

Rupert and Hugo have a new toy.  It's a lion made up mostly of tennis balls

They do love it :-)

The weather dogs have blessed us with some spectacular sunsets

So it's been quiet but hasn't lacked interest or things to do.

I have been thinking about the markets this week.  As you know, the local markets are all closed for the moment.  And the farmers have been finding alternatives so they can keep selling their produce.  I mentioned before that some of the farms are selling from their sheds and farm gates and have been including produce from other market stall holders.  I follow many of these producers in various social media and am beginning to wonder if the markets will ever come back.  Some of the farm gates and sheds have evolved into small markets in their own right. It's lovely to see how they are all working together and with other local small businesses.

Victoria is very slowly starting to open up again.  We can now have up to five guests in our homes, properly distanced, of course and not all the time. But I wonder why five.  It's seems an odd number (well, it *is* an odd number, but I meant it seems a strange number to pick). Why not an even number, like 4 or 6?  Anyway, no matter.  It means that Rupert and Hugo can come for dinner one evening, or for lunch.

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