Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


It was a lovely weekend.  The sun shone. It was pleasantly warm. There were lots of fun things to do.

Amongst the fun things on offer was the Bacchus Marsh Strawberry and Cherry Fair.  We went last year not really knowing what we were going to. We decided to go again this year. And this year we took Stella with us.  Or - Lindsey did. She and Stella were in East Melbourne and drove up. We were in Mount Helen and drove down.

It was VERY busy!

Jim pushed Stella in her wheelchair. Lindsey and I ambled about. We had (free) sausages from the sausage sizzle outside the travel agency. We bought strawberries, raspberries and cherries. We bought Christmassy stuff. We had lunch at Flannagan's, sat where we were sat last year, outside on the patio. This year we had a carb feast.  Chips and wedges and nachos and a bit of chicken.  We need to remember for next year that the "Light" sizes are enormous and only to buy half the number of dishes!

Then we all went back to Mount Helen. Stella stayed at Hill House overnight.  We had a rare night at our place. We were at Hill House all last week and are expecting to be there for most of this coming week. And we pick up the keys to the new place on Saturday and will begin to move in next weekend so there aren't many more opportunities for sleeping over at our place.

But there was time for one last Sunday lunch.  Lindsey, Ian and Stella came down and we had slow cooked lamb shanks with roast veg and fresh veg on the side.  We had donuts for dessert, which Lindsey bought in Bacchus Marsh. Then Ian took Stella home and Lindsey went on an emergency mission for dog biscuits.  Rupert and Hugo had Run Out!!!!!!!

And the sun shone all weekend.

It was lovely.

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