Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Out and About at the Weekend

We went to Geelong on Saturday, for lunch at Irene's place.  Gillie couldn't be there but Chris and John were, and Irene's friend Stephen was there.  We had a very delicious time.

We had eggs from the chooks and veg from the garden, plus veg from other places.  We had soup and casserole, cheese and tiramisu. We had wine and gentle conversation. It was a lovely day.

Irene has a new dog.  Her name is Flora and she is a 12 month old Kelpie.  She is very friendly and wriggly

Lovely to meet you too :-D
Sunday was a glorious day and we indulged in two firsts.  I can't say that I had no idea about either of them because I knew that they both existed, but we had never been to either of them so didn't know what was there.

The first was the annual Gordon Community Fair. We had a lovely drive across country to get there. It's a long, long time since I was last in Gordon, which is a small, pretty township off the freeway. I might go again and have a little potter around on a sunny weekend day when there is not much else to do.

The fair itself was at the Recreation ground outside of the township. We met Lindsey there and had a lovely potter about.  It was very well attended, and there were a surprising number of stalls and activities.  Then Lindsey went to Melbourne and Jim and I head back towards home, again across country.

But not directly home.  It was a beautiful afternoon, so we went exploring.

We pass through Lal Lal fairly frequently.  We went to their tiny, cute village fair a couple of weeks ago, you may remember.  There is a signpost to the Lal Lal Falls, pointing away from the village.  The pub is called The Lal Lal Falls.  So we knew that there was a waterfall somewhere nearby but we had never followed the signpost to see where. On Sunday we did.

And we found a reserve, with barbecue area, picnic tables, children's play equipment and walking tracks.  There is a small gorge with a little waterfall.  Mind you, it's been quite dry recently so the creek that feeds it didn't have much water.  I suspect after a storm, or during winter it would be quite spectacular.

I would definitely not be this close if the creek was full.
I think I'd almost certainly be swept over the cliff and down the falls!!

So yes, I knew that the Falls existed, but I didn't know about the reserve or the walking tracks or the picnic area.  I didn't know anything about the Moorabool Falls, which I hadn't heard of. I know now that they exist because we saw a car park at the start of the Moorabool Falls Trail.  I might need to find a walking companion or three to go and look, though. It's a nearly 6 km round trip (on foot, no vehicular access) and I think Jim's feet would not enjoy it much.

I have to say that it was a very lovely weekend. We should go exploring more often.

We gave this jigsaw to Tony last Christmas but he didn't get around to doing it.  So we brought it back to our place and Jim did it on his behalf.

He's doing a bigger, more complicated (but less interesting?) one now

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