Docklands, February 2025

Thursday, September 20, 2018


Sunday, you may remember, was snowy, blustery, cold.  We had sleet and hail, rain and wind. We also had a barbecue lying about, inconveniently and in pieces, in the garage.  Jim decided that he would start to put it together.  After all, there is not much point in spending hundreds of dollars on a barbecue only for it to languish, in bits, in the garage.

Putting a large barbecue together is really a two person job, even if the second person is merely shining a torch on the dark bits you can't see. From the point of view of marital harmony it is usually better if the assistant is not your spouse. However, I was the only available assistant and we managed fairly well until we reached a point where you needed unadjustable spanner. We do not have an adjustable spanner. Lindsey and Ian do.  I rang and asked if we could borrow it.  Proceedings came to a temporary halt.

Lindsey and Ian came down and picked us up, bringing the adjustable spanner with them, and we all trundled out to Clunes to have lunch at Bread and Circus. The weather had cleared sufficiently that we could sit outside (under cover) to have our lunch.

We came back after lunch and carried on with the barbecue assembling.  All went well until we reached the point where we had to connect the gas hose to the gas point for the side burner.  We could not connect it.  No matter how we tried it would not screw together.  We gave up, poured a glass of wine and retired from barbecue building for the evening.

Monday dawned sunny, dry, still and relatively warm. Jim wheeled the barbecue out into the courtyard, where we could see much better.  Still we couldn't connect the gas pipe to the side burner.  Much swearing and yelling ensued. I went off and dusted the cobwebs off the outside windows.  Suddenly there was a cry of EUREKA.  The pipe had for reasons unknown finally decided to screw itself to the side burner.  Much jubilation!  Putting the rest of it together took a matter of minutes.

So now we have a functioning barbecue.  And we are still married 😂 All we need now is slightly warmer weather so we can use it

It's not a good photo but it gives you an idea. I'll try and get a better one at the weekend

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