Docklands, February 2025

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Travelling by Train

We went out to Lymington for lunch yesterday (The spell check on the blog website is absolutely determined that we went to Leamington; it insists on changing it every time I type Lymington!!! )

Neither of us had ever been to Lymington by train before and it's a lovely journey.  You go from Salisbury to Southampton, via Romsey.  You change in Southampton for a train that goes to Brockenhurst in the New Forest.  Then you change at Brockenhurst for the train that goes to Lymington. This is a tiny train line that stops in Lymington town, and at Lymington pier, where the ferry to the Isle of Wight berths.  It is a surprisingly busy little train line.

All the trains ran to time.  The route was beautiful. And it is but a short stroll from the station to the quayside and the little harbour shops.

We had lunch in the Ship Inn, which should surprise none of you.  Ever since I found the Ship that is where we have eaten.  We have previously eaten in a couple of pubs in the town centre but the food wasn't as good and, of course, you didn't get the lunch time view

My view at lunch
We haven't ever eaten outside at the Ship before. Until recently we have had Gwen with us and it wouldn't have been practical to get her out onto the decking.  Last time we were there on our own but still ate in the restaurant.  This time the sun was shining and it was quite warm and eating outside seemed like a good thing to do.  There was one short rain shower while we were eating, but we were sat under a big umbrella so didn't really notice it. We did notice the black headed gulls, however.  If people got up and walked away leaving any left overs on their plates, the gulls were in there in no time, helping to clear the plates.  It was a bit like being an extra on the set of The Birds!

They still had scallops on the menu. With bacon this time.  I do like a good scallop :-)

Scallops with bacon and pea puree

Lamb rump with fries for my main. Very, very tasty but a bit chewy

We didn't have very long in Lymington. We really had gone there to have lunch rather than a lengthy potter about.  And we wanted to drop up to visit Gwen when we got back to Salisbury. There won't be another opportunity before we head to Melbourne in August and I am not expecting to be back in the south of England for many months.  We were delighted to find a gift shop which was selling handmade cushions.  We bought one for Gwen; it's quite hard to find good presents for her so we usually take cake or chocolate or something else to eat.  A soft, feathery cushion was a great find. We did take some chocolate as well :-)

Bye bye to Lymington

And this is my view this morning

Not a bad morning view, eh?

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