Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

A lovely, if slightly soggy day

We had a lovely day yesterday.

After a hearty breakfast we strolled in the sunshine across Constable's meadows towards the cathedral.  We don't go in very often and the opportunities for visiting it and admiring its beautiful interior may be somewhat limited in the future, so we took the opportunity to pop in and have a wander around.  We were very lucky - a school choir was in rehearing for a forthcoming concert.  They sing beautifully!

The cathedral has acquired a new and very beautiful font since I was last inside. The photos don't do it justice.  If you find yourself in Salisbury, you should go in and admire it for yourself

The new, beautiful and above all *large* font
Reflections on Christianity

In contrast to the new font, the cathedral also plays host to (allegedly) the world's oldest working clock

Looking towards the West End

and towards the East End
We went for a wander in the cloisters and into the Chapter House, where they have a copy of the Magna Carta on display. No photos of the Magna Carta allowed!  The last time I was in the Chapter House it was in the middle of winter and it was absolutely freezing and The Builder and I were the only people in it.  Yesterday it was pleasantly warm and absolutely packed!

Then we went for a potter around the city centre and ended up in Wagamama's for lunch

A plate of yaki udon for me

We were intending to head out to visit Gwen for a cup of tea and a piece of cake, but decided to head back to the Old Mill first and get tidied up a bit.  On our way out of town - it rained.  We took shelter in a British Heart Foundation shop.  The shower having passed by, we headed off again.  It rained.  We took shelter under a big tree.  Off we went again.  It rained.  This time we were on the path crossing the meadows and there was nothing for it but to carry on.  By the time we got back to the pub, it was absolutely pouring and it continued to pour until into the evening.  We didn't go to visit Gwen.  We'll go this afternoon instead.

We did head down into the bar at about half past seven in search of a little light refreshment, and found ourselves caught up in the fortnightly pub quiz.  We did very badly indeed!  We did, however, enjoy a bowlful of chips each, a pint or three of bitter for The Builder and a glass or two of wine for me.  It was a good evening, although we didn't stay for the pub quiz tally.

We are taking a train trip to Lymington today.  We have decided that we might take our rain jackets!!

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