Docklands, February 2025

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

A busy few days

We went from Warragul back to Mount Helen, Lindsey and me in her car with Sam, and Ian and The Builder following on later in Ian's car.  I think Sam enjoyed his visit to Coco and Vallie - but he was certainly happy to get home again to his own toys and couch!

Pat came to lunch on the Sunday. Ian made a slow cooked lamb dish with lots of vegetables and with roast potatoes on the side.  We had cheese and fruit for afters.  It was all very delicious and a good afternoon was had by all.  Well, by all apart from Sam who was very restless and a bit agitated.  The reason became clear when we could hear, far in the distance, the rumbling of thunder.  Sam hates thunder.  And can clearly hear or feel it long before we could.  He has a storm vest which is alleged to calm dogs down in stormy weather.  It seemed to help. Unless it was him hiding under the dining room table, protected from the Evil Monster by all our legs around him :-D

We moseyed on down to East Melbourne (there may have been lunch involved, at L'Espresso in Ballarat) and had dinner at Simon's place (excellent steak).  And now The Builder and I are at Mount Martha, starting our last full day of the Victorian leg of the World Birthday Tour.  Three weeks, which have gone very quickly!

If you should find yourself in East Melbourne, looking for somewhere to have a pleasant, light breakfast, brunch or lunch, you could do a lot worse that to try the Square and Compass.  Lindsey pointed it out to me on our morning walk yesterday, though I don't think she or Ian have ever been in.  It was very busy when The Builder and I dropped by at lunchtime. And it was easy to see why. The menu isn't extensive, but it was well cooked and very tasty.  I shall remember it for future visits.


Dinner time:

Doing what The Builder and I do best - eating and drinking :-D

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