Docklands, February 2025

Monday, April 27, 2015

In the end, last week went by quite quickly.  All of a sudden, it was Friday once again.  And Friday didn't have time to loiter. I went out at lunchtime - and then went home :-)

Yummy noodles in Wa Ding.  Mixed veg for Freyja

Garlic and beef for me
This is what I was drinking. It was a mystery drink - and really very tasty
Saturday was Gareth's birthday and he, Tabitha and some friends took themselves off to York for what appeared to be a rather grand pub crawl.  Clearly this wasn't a Cally-appropriate outing. So The Builder and I swung by Cally's house before her parents took off and picked her up and headed out to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park,  It was something of a pity that the spring sunshine decided that it did not wish to accompany us. But we were fortunate that the very heavy shower that came to visit us came just as we were about to head home again.  We sheltered in the gift shop until it went away!

It wasn't ideal weather for a picnic
But at least it wasn't raining
And it's *always* appropriate weather for ice cream!

A huddle of lemurs

There are two polar bears.  More are, apparently, coming


Back at our place, in the warm and dry
On Sunday we had a family celebration of Gareth's birthday. Cally and I spent Sunday morning baking birthday cupcakes and preparing a veritable feast for lunch. We also talked to Grandma Stella and Grandpa Tony on Skype, and then to Belinda and Sage, then Matt and William, and told them all about our visit to the zoo.  Cally's favourite animal was the polar bear.  Mine was the lemurs.  But I'm not sure what The Builder's favourite was.  He didn't ever tell us

Tabitha, Gareth and Freyja arrived in Chesterfield at about midday. And then we had our magnificent birthday feast

Gyoza and crispy tofu

Tempura vegetables and baked rice

Then we had the cupcakes that Cally and I had baked, all decorated for a birthday

All the visitors, including Cally, went home around 5:00.  And I settled down for a nice snooze. Cally had been awake since 5:45.  It is true that we are also usually awake by that time - but not usually up by then on a Sunday morning.  I had been quite busy throughout the day.  A snooze seemed appropriate.  The Builder had also been busy - but he had an evening snooze rather than a late afternoon one.

It was a good weekend. I think we all had a good time.

Marlo definitely had a good time.  Lots of laps to snuggle up on

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