Docklands, February 2025

Monday, April 06, 2015

A Quiet Easter Weekend

Good Friday was Very Quiet Indeed - which I suppose was appropriate :-)

The Builder was in a very frail state on Friday.  All he ingested all day was a couple of glasses of water.  He dozed, wrapped in a blanket, in his chair for most of the day.  He can't have been well: he refused the offer of a glass of wine and slept through his favourite television programs.  I was beginning to worry about Bishops' House on Saturday morning!

Fortunately, he woke up feeling very much better on Saturday. He drank his usual cups of tea and coffee.  He had breakfast.  And he was feeling better enough to drive into Sheffield for our stint at Bishops' House.  It was just as well we went.  We had LOADS of visitors.  The house was closed on Sunday and I think that people who had visitors staying with them for the Easter weekend thought it would be a nice little place to take them, while pottering around in Meersbrook park and having tasty munchies in the various cafes dotted about outside the park.

It was just us on Easter Sunday for the Easter Feast. We had the traditional Easter Lamb (not spring lamb; it's a bit too early and anyway we prefer hogget or mutton). My planned Easter chocolate cake though had to be abandoned when I discovered that we had run out of cocoa.  I had the ice cream and the chocolate syrup already made.  Then I remembered that we had some bananas in the fruit bowl.  What to do with bananas, ice cream and chocolate syrup …. ?  Hmmmmm.  I also had some chocolate sprinkles.  Banana splits make an excellent Easter dessert :-D

I have today and tomorrow at home, then it's Back to Work.  Must remember to put the alarms back on tomorrow

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