Docklands, February 2025

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Pottering around in Chesterfield

We had snow on and off during the course of last week. Not enough to stop us getting around, although the snow on Wednesday stopped me going out for a lunchtime walk. There was enough in parts of Sheffield to make life difficult for people though.

Fortunately by yesterday all traces of snow had disappeared.  This was convenient for me because I had an appointment at the optician's in Chesterfield.  So mid-morning The Builder and I hopped on the bus and trundled into town.  We could have taken the car but The Builder gets free bus travel after 09:30 in the morning and it is cheaper for me to buy a day ticket for the bus than it is for us to take the car in and pay for parking.

The parish church with its twisted spire
Looking back towards the church

The rather fetching Tourist Information Centre
 We were in town a bit early for my appointment so we had a potter around in the market and the market hall.  We went for a wander up some of the side streets and alleyways and enjoyed what was really a lovely winter's morning

The market square, looking towards the market hall
 After I had had my eyesight and hearing checked (both in fine fettle, thank you for asking :-) ) we hopped on another bus and headed towards home.  We jumped off the bus when we got to The Wingerworth and called in for lunch

The Wingerworth in the daylight
Looking across the car park
The Builder, waiting for lunch
Burger for me
 And then we walked home

Looking across the main road. It's clouded over now

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