Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

An Australia Day Dinner in Sheffield

It was Australia Day yesterday so we gathered after work at Tabitha, Gareth and Cally's place for an evening of Aussie burgers, wine and merriment. Nate (who hails from Adelaide) and Duncan (who does not :-D ) were going to come too but they have been struck down with floooooo so didn't. Simon also didn't come, but not because he has flu. He was busy doing something else.

 Tabitha asked Gareth to hang an Australian Flag at the bottom of the stairs.  So he put up this one :D

Cally was very excited. Not only were there visitors and cake, but she got to show us all her brand new bedroom as well

Freyja came by after work

The Builder just came by. He doesn't do "after work" any more!

Waiting patiently for the burgers

Preparing the burgers

A Melbourne steak night salad to go with the burgers

I can't eat lamingtons*, so I made a "shamington" cake instead, with sugar sprinkles and stars instead of coconut.

It was a good night. But we had to leave quite early.  I have a stupidly early start on Tuesdays and didn't want to be out too late.

*Lamingtons are squares of sponge cake, covered all over with chocolate icing and dredged in dessicated coconut.  They are ubiquitous in Australia and are often sold as fund raisers for schools and children's groups, amongst other things. I can't eat them because of the coconut

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