Docklands, February 2025

Friday, August 08, 2014

Still eating

It was our wedding anniversary yesterday.  (Five years! How did that happen??)  It would probably have been our preferred option to celebrate by going out to lunch, but it would have been difficult to have cleared my diary for yesterday.  Clearing it for today wasn't at all difficult, so I arranged to take today off and booked us a table at The Nettle for a celebration dinner yesterday evening.  I didn't need to worry about having to get up this morning for work, so we could eat, drink and make merry at will.

Thursday is fish night at The Nettle (ordinary menu options are also available). Sandford came over to chat to us and told us what fishy and seafoody delights he had been able to acquire.  Ooooooh.  Please, please, please can I have a seafood platter,even though a fish platter doesn't appear on the menu???????  Yes, said Sandford.  Of course you can.  We settled down with a glass of beer for The Builder and a glass of wine for me to consider what else we might have.

The Builder had a quandary: fresh mackerel or a beef and prawn plate?  Have both, said Sandford.  I'll do you a mackerel starter.

And so that's what he did:

The Builder's mackerel starter

…and his amazing beef and prawn plate
I probably shouldn't have had a starter - but I did!

Asparagus, bacon and poached egg salad

… and my glorious seafood platter
I could tell you that we didn't eat all the chips because they were not up to standard.  But that would be a lie.  The chips were wonderful.  Alas, we were too full from our starters and our substantial main courses to fit them in ;-(

It might possibly be time for me to stop feasting.  I noticed yesterday that my summer shorts all appear to have shrunk!

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