Docklands, February 2025

Sunday, August 24, 2014


We came down to Salisbury yesterday afternoon so we can see The Builder's mum for lunch today. It's a long weekend for us - Monday is the End of Summer public holiday.  That meant that we could stay down for two nights rather than one which would be a bit more relaxing.

We had quite a good run down the motorways. I think most people had gone away on Friday if they were heading off for the weekend, or on Saturday morning if they were heading away for the week.  The mistake we made (and we really should have known better) was to move onto the A303 for five km. took 20 minutes did that little 5km!!!

We're staying in the Old Mill, which is across the meadows from the cathedral. We've stayed here several times before (and each time, I think, in the same room!) and rather like it.  Good food, comfy enormous bed, nice view out over the river and mill leat.

Previously we have come in the winter. This is our first time in the summer and is thus the first time we've slept with the window wide open.  We dined and wined very well last night. And slept very well.  Or at least, I slept very well until about 4.45 when I was woken up by ducks quacking. It's now 6.30 and the ducks are still quacking. Very loudly! I'm glad our ducks don't make that much noise. The neighbours would have been complaining about the noise long ago. Mind you, it's hard to know quite who you would complain to about these ducks. I think they belong to God and in my experience he doesn't pay much attention to complaints about noise. And it's quite lovely, really. It's a beautiful, late summer dawn and I can hear the mill leat running into the river. And the ducks :-D

Speaking of which - we found our first duck egg in the duck run yesterday, unfortunately after breakfast otherwise The Builder could have had it with his toast, mushrooms and tomatoes. He can have it on Tuesday.

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