Docklands, February 2025

Monday, July 08, 2013

Summer in Tupton

Up on the allotment, things are coming along reasonably well:

The onions are doing really well

The garlic, not so well.  Not sure what happened to it but the plants didn't really grow well. We'll dig the bulbs up soon and just have to make do

We had so many little capsicum seedlings that we've planted some outside. So far they seem to be growing

The sweet corn is definitely growing. If the weather holds we might even get some corn this year

The pumpkins are enjoying their warm, sunny greenhouse. They were supposed to be getting some watermelon friends - but they've got capsicum friends instead

So the watermelon seedlings will come in with the tomatoes when they are a tiny bit bigger

We have an excellent crop of gooseberries coming along, both on the allotment and in the garden

Broad beans and peas

The young Bramley apple tree is doing OK and seems happy

All seems cheerful on the allotment

Meanwhile, back in the flower garden and vegetable plot, the Under Gardener has been busy:

He has dug up, weeded and re-laid the curvy path

and made a start on re-laying the patio

The mock orange is not only absolutely covered in flowers, but it smells absolutely beautigul

That's Udon and Curry behind the duck run, and Hoi Sin and Teriyaki inside the duck run. Gyoza and Dim Sim are also in the duck run - but behind the ducks (you can*just* see them)

Marlo is enjoying the warm, sunny weather

It probably wasn't really 30d in our garden - but it was getting very close

The Under Gardener has dug out all the blighted potatoes. We're keeping a close eye on the rest of the potatoes but so far they seem so good

The grape vine has formed a beautiful arch all by itself

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