Docklands, February 2025

Monday, July 08, 2013

Let's talk about the weather

We can all be terribly, terribly English and talk at length about the weather :-D

I'll start, shall I?

The weather hereabouts has been absolutely, astonishingly amazing for the past week. The sun has shone. The temperature has been warm and sometimes even hot.  There has been none of the horrible humidity that usually accompanies warm weather in central England. It's been positively astonishing.  I've been wearing shorts and t-shirts and sandals. And a big straw sun hat. Even The Builder has been wearing a sun hat.

So we have been taking advantage of it. We have been sitting out on the newly resurrected patio in the evenings.  We have been using the barbecue (killing two birds here, because we've been using up a pile of old wood to cook on which we otherwise would have had to take to the tip or hang on to until November and have a huge big bonfire on Bonfire Night). Freyja says we have been having "wok-becues" because I've been using the wok over the fire. I've also been using my griddle. It's all been very exciting. And delicious, of course.

We went to Bishops' House on Saturday for our usual First Saturday of the Month volunteering session. It was, I think, the first time we've been there and I haven't felt cold!!  I didn't even have my cardigan on!

After we had finished at Bishops' House we trundled out to a village near Rotherham.  The Builder had ordered a new duck house from a bloke out there.  The ducks have grown and are now having to duck to get into the guinea pig hutch they've been living in.  We didn't really want ducking ducks :-D so we ordered one that was not only bigger but also taller.  We had already been out to collect the new duck house once but the bloke had had to go out, and we couldn't get it. So we thought, given that we were in Sheffield, we might potter out and have another go at collecting it.  I had always assumed that the area around Rotherham was a bit grim but it turns out that there are some quite nice little country areas out there.  We enjoyed our little jaunt out there. The roundabouts and median strips are covered in wild flowers.  The Builder is now painting the new duck house to make it weather proof.  Marlo appears to think it's for him!

When we got back from Rotherham, this is what our weather station had to say for itself:

It's usually fairly accurate, but I think it had got a bit over-excited on Saturday.  I would estimate that the actual temperature was probably around 28 or 29 d

And the sunshine continued into Sunday.  We picked up Tabitha and Cally and headed towards Derby to a steam rally at the Elvaston Castle grounds.  Cally didn't know she was going out and was quite excited to find that a car trip was on offer.  She was even more excited when we got to the steam fair. She didn't quite know where to look first - but I think the steam organs were her most favourite bit of the day.  Oh - and her ice cream

It's not surprising that she liked the steam organs - I have discovered, while checking to see what they are actually called, that one of their names is Calliope, which is also Cally's full name :-D

Then we went back to Taffa and Cally's place to find that Gaz (who had been working hard all day) had created a whole private beach, just for Cally

Click on Cally's beach to reach the rest of the photos of the weekend
There are photos of the garden, and one of the ducks on the Garden blog which you can link to at the top of this page

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