Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Playing with babies

We started Saturday in bright, bright sunshine.  It was very nearly almost warm! And The Builder and I went to Bishops' House to do the Saturday morning shift.

It was beautiful in Meersbrook Park. There were people out walking their dogs, people out with their children.  But nobody came in to visit us until 11:30 (we open at 10) - and we had a rush of people between 11:30 and 1 when we handed over to the afternoon volunteers and headed off to meet Tabitha and Cally.

The plan was to meet up and then head into Graves Park for the afternoon.  Gareth was away on a bucks weekend, downhill biking somewhere in Wales.  So we stopped by the fish and chip shop for lunch supplies and went into the park.  Alas, the bright, nearly warm sunshine had taken fright and was hiding behind a huge curtain of grey, cold, gloomy, damp clouds.  This did not deter us.  We made our way up to the top of the park where there are slides and swings and bouncy things to amuse Cally and sat at a picnic table to eat our fish and chips.  Then we met up with Cally's friend Thomas and his mother Vicky. His father was also downhill biking in Wales so they had come out to play too. And we mooched into the animal farm and played with baby cows and small sheep and tiny llamas. There were chook eggs in an incubator which were hatching while we were there. There were a couple of emus and lots of pigs and even some rather friendly donkeys.  We all had a good afternoon, even if winter was making a slight fight back.  But it didn't actually start raining until The Builder and I had got back in the car to head home :-D

We had a quiet and VERY windy Sunday. We hit the garden centre for some more seed potatoes and generally just pottered around. A nice and lazy day (although VERY windy!!)  No babies to play with on Sunday but we have at last made a start on thinking about our garden plans for the coming season now that spring is finally showing signs of maybe thinking about possibly coming to visit.  One day :-)

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