Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

National Railway Museum

Cally, as I'm sure you remember, absolutely loves trains, and other things which might almost be trains.  Like trams.  So The Builder and I decided that really, where she needed to go was the National Railway Museum in York.

We decided to take her on Saturday, with the expectation that her parents might go to the City Centre to one of the pubs which shows the snooker.  But no! Once they discovered that we were going to the NRM, they just had to come too.

So after I had finally managed to get up to Grassmoor to have my hair cut (I no longer look like an Old English Sheepdog!) we trundled in to Sheffield and collected Tabitha, Gareth and Cally and off we set in search of trains.

We didn't tell Cally where we were going.  Just that we were going out for a drive in the car.

She was very excited when she walked into the museum to be confronted by a very large train.

She was positively beside herself with excitement when she walked around the large train and found a room stuffed full of trains!

She absolutely loved the model railway - so much so that we couldn't get her out of the model railway room :-D

And she was thrilled when we went up into the city centre on the road train (I have *always* wanted to go on that road train but have never previously had either the opportunity or, indeed, a reason.  And now I have been on it :-)  )

I have to say that we were very seriously impressed with the Children's food selections in the restaurant.  Tiny sandwiches, small pieces of fruit, minute cakes, little jellies, lots of mini-things to choose five items from. So much an improvement on "something with chips" which is what children's menus often are.  Mind you, having said that - Tabitha and I had "something with chips" for our lunch. Pork sandwiches and chips for us - and The Builder  and Gaz had what they described as absolutely lovely chicken jalfrezi. Ten points to the NRM for their delicious food.  (The cakes weren't bad either.)

There's another branch of the NRM somewhere in County Durham.  I haven't been to that one.

We are supposed to be looking after Cally next Saturday afternoon so her parents can go into town and watch the snooker in the pub.  We thought we might take her to the Tramway Museum in Crich.  I wonder if we should tell Taffa and Gaz where we're going ...

Cally caressing a train.  Click on Cally to get to the album

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