Docklands, February 2025

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Vernal Equinox

I didn't take my usual photos at the Winter Solstice.  We weren't here for the actual solstice and I didn't think to take them before we went or after we came back in mid-January.

The whole of the end of 2012 seemed to vanish in an ongoing gloom of bad weather. The autumn was cold and short.  Early winter was also cool and damp.  Then from mid-January we have had ongoing snow and ice and freezing conditions.  We didn't get our usual autumn things done.  We haven't done our usual winter things and it is beginning to look as though our spring activities are going to be severely curtailed.  The onions which we planted in early autumn failed to develop.  The garlic almost all vanished.  And although I have started my spring seed sowing, the seeds are in seed trays in the lounge room by the radiator. There is no way you could put them even into the greenhouse.

The pundits are suggesting that we should revise what we are planning to grow in the way of vegetables this year.  I shall carry on with my usual plans for now.  It won't matter if things are a few weeks late starting.  And you never know - the non-appearance of spring might presage a warm, sunny summer. After all - the bright, warm, sunny early springs of the past two or three years have tired themselves out before summer properly started and we have had cool, cloudy summer seasons.  Maybe the sun is saving its energies up for July and August ??

Anyway.  In the absence of Winter Solstice photographs - here are some from the Vernal Exquinox :

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