To my mind, exasperation is something that carries an implication that whatever is bedevilling you is something that can be altered, if not by you then by people around you. So you might be exasperated with a recalcitrant toddler or by a habitually late work colleague. I might be exasperated by the mice in the kitchen, or by Marlo curled up on the bed when I want to change the bedding. The Builder might be exasperated by me making him eat vegetarian food during Holy Week (although I don't think he is). But all of these things are subject to action which can change the exasperating thing or action. The Builder could sneak out and have a bacon sandwich while I am at work, for example. Or I could pick Marlo up and move him, while I change the sheets.
But there is nothing you can do about the weather, and exasperation seemed a funny word to use to me.
Until I woke up and looked out the window first thing yesterday morning and found that it was snowing. Again!
It hasn't really stopped snowing since mid-January. I acknowledge that the snow hasn't been continuous since then but it has been pretty much continual. And it goes on and on and on.
We did get to the shops on Sunday, but otherwise stayed inside for the rest of the day. Left lots of time for kitchen cleaning and mouse counter-insurgency.
I came to work on Monday through snow and wind and ice.
I came in on the train yesterday, lest my Japanese class be cancelled because of snow. Fortunately it wasn't, and The Builder drove in to collect me.
Exasperation very accurately describes my state of mind, despite the fact that there is absolutely nothing whatever that I can do about it.
The forecast is for ongoing wintry weather for the next fortnight. The forecasters are not willing to speculate beyond that.
I am beginning to think we should sack the Weather Dogs. Except they don't seem minded to go :-S
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