Docklands, February 2025

Wednesday, February 01, 2012


Right then.  Pay attention up the back, there.

We have been to Warminster for a party. It was Barb, the ex-Mrs Builder, 's brother Greg's 70th birthday party. (Got it?  There might be a test later!!)

The party was held in the Cornmarket cafe in Warminster. (There might be a test on this later too!!)

So we trundled down to Stoford on Saturday after lunch and booked into The Swan, as is our habit when pootling about Down Sowf.  Then we went to Nunton and collected The Builder's Mother, Gwen and took her with us. 

None of us was exactly sure where the Cornmarket was, so I put the postcode into Kathy the Sat Nav and off we went.  Alas - Kathy's map assured us that the place we were going to was down a side street which, once we got to Warminster, proved not to exist :-S  So we went down another street, which did exist, and more or less by accident found ourselves in a car park which had a board announcing the existence of the Cornmarket Mall, or something very like it.  I went on a little recce - and found the cafe with Barb and Greg and Jeanette and Matthew and Rebecca and Evie all sat inside. We decided that this must be the place we were heading for!!

It was a good do.  Greg's sons came with their children. His other sister Pauline came with her family.  There were friends and colleagues.  I think there were something like 40 people there. The cafe was running a bar. There was music and dancing. There was food and merriment. One of Greg's sons presented him with an inflatable zimmer frame festooned with balloons.

Spot the birthday boy!!! (Click on the photo to get to the album)

It was all lots of fun.  But we couldn't stay terribly late.  Gwen was fading quite a bit by 9:30 or so (might have had something to do with the glass of wine I gave her, but I think she is usually heading for bed by around 10 anyway). So we took her home and then repaired to The Swan for a pre-bed tipple and a lovely, snuggly bed.

And then we more or less came home, after breakfast and a visit to the Wilton garden centre to see what varieties of seed potatoes they had.  Marlo was quite surprised to see us. Usually if we are away overnight we either get back shortly after breakfast because we've stayed in Sheffield overnight, or not until later in the evening, because we've been gallivanting down in Wiltshire or Hampshire for the day. It's unusual for us to come home before lunch. But I had had the foresight to take a small piece of roasting meat out of the freezer before we left on the Saturday, so no excuse for a lunch out.

Alas, however. Poor Frugality has fallen flat on her face and seems to be rolling around in the gutter.  Even without having Sunday lunch out, the savings for the GWT took something of a battering over the weekend.  I think our "how-far-can-we-get-with-what-we've-got" meter might have plunged back to somewhere like Southampton. 

Had a nice lunch with Freyja, Julia and Timon last week.  Julia and Timon are back in New York now. Freyja is back at Uni. I think the partying is all done now.

Well - until Easter when I think we can start again :-)

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