Docklands, February 2025

Saturday, September 04, 2010


So, said Gaz.  I have a job for you.

Hmm. Something of a worry.  I already have a job. No time for another, not when you consider the allotment, the garden and all the other things that require attention.

What is the nature of this job?  And what remuneration does it carry?

No remuneration.  No set hours. Lots of benefits.

A bigger worry. Certainly can't afford to work for nothing. Who will fund my extravagant lifestyle?

What job is this that you have in mind?

How, asked Gareth, would you care to apply for the position of grandparent?

Grandparent?  GRANDPARENT????  Being a grandparent isn't a job. Being a grandparent is a state of being which requires subversive and anarchist tendencies. And seditious sweeties.

Subversion and anarchy I can do :-)  Also sweeties :-)

(Wanders off to dust off and consult my copies of Anarchists united and Established subversion.)

Poor thing is likely to be cold, though.  You had better all start knitting booties and mittens

What?  Oh.  End of February, I believe.   Alas, I won't be here.  I'm going to a party.

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