Docklands, February 2025

Monday, September 20, 2010

And the feasting continues...

Ian has been with us all week and much delicious food has been devoured (and devoured by Freyja and me, last Wednesday, in a Japanese restaurant in Sheffield, and by Freyja, Taffa and Ian in Pizza Volante on Friday, also in Sheffield).

Then - it was the start of the York Food Festival at the weekend.  We clearly had to go!!  We dropped up to Sheffield and kidnapped Freyja from her pal's house and off we all trundled up to York to have a look see.

The festival market was very crowded.  And full of very delicious things. Freyja went home with some olives and some cheese and stuff.  We went home with kippers and goose breasts, with cheese and salmon, with bread and butter plates and extra virgin rapeseed oil, with chickens and parma ham, with lots and lots of yummy things to eat.

We also dropped into some nice shops and, of course, into the Christmas Angels shop.

We were lucky with the weather.

It was a splendid day.

The Builder had another argument with Jenny on the way back to Freyja's place. I think Jenny was extremely lucky not to get thrown out the window - saved only by the fact that The Builder needed both hands for driving!! I would agree that Jenny wanted to take us there by a rather perverse route.  But I do wonder why it is that many men and some women too, argue with their sat navs as if they were deliberately trying to get everyone lost rather than just ignoring them because they are small computers with very tiny brains.  We have decided that it would be better, on the whole, not to turn her on when we actually know how to get to where we are going!!

So we ended up having an extremely foody weekend. We all had street food at the festival. Ian cooked salmon in parma ham with a pea risotto on Saturday.  We had kippers and poached eggs for breakfast on Sunday, and roasted goose breast for lunch.  It was all extremely delicious.  But next time I will cook goose breast (if I ever see it again) either very very quickly, or very very slowly.  It was tasty but a bit tough the way I did it.

And now Ian has gone to London for a couple of days.  I had thought maybe to have a mini-austerity drive this week. Ian wasn't planning to come back until Thursday or Friday.  But I think his plans for later in the week might have fallen through and he may well be back tomorrow or Wednesday.  Hardly seems worth having an austerity drive for one day!! We shall continue feasting until next Monday when we can be austere for three weeks.  Until Simon arrives and the feasting starts again!!

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