Docklands, February 2025

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Poor old body

It all started when I decided that my shoulders hurt. I had to be more careful how I carried things.

Then I got arthritis in my fingers.  But it wasn't too bad so I soldiered on.

Then my hands decided to ache rather more.  It spread up to my wrists.  But on I soldiered.

Then I caught my hand on the bottom of a veryveryveryveryVERY hot saucepan and burnt a hole in it ;-(

Stoically, on I went.

I didn't worry too much when I wore a pair of shoes without socks and rubbed holes in my toes - although it did rather hurt.

I barely noticed when my back went out in sympathy.

I definitely did notice when I ambled into the orchard wearing open toed sandals and the chickens pecked at my toes - especially the toes that had the holes in them.  But I merely resolved to wear my garden clogs in the future. And carried on.

But when last night I decided to make a pork, sage and apple gravy, put the stock in my new baby blender, turned it on - and the lid blew off and hot stock erupted all over the kitchen and me, slightly scalding my arm (just above where I burnt the hole in my paw!!) and liberally bedecking the kitchen walls, bench and cupboard doors with apple, sage, onion and stock; well when that happened it all just got far too much and I had to Retire Hurt with a glass of wine to watch comforting foodie programs on the telly (and to eat my pork chop, new potatoes, steamed garden veg and small amount of rescued gravy!!)

I have a feeling you're supposed to hold the lid down when blending.  At least, that's what the woman was doing on the video demonstration I looked at this morning

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