Docklands, February 2025

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Off to Scotland for the weekend

When we got back from Australia back at the beginning of May, amongst the post that had accumulated was a card, from some people of whom I had never heard in Bristol, inviting us to he wedding of a woman I had also never heard of in a place whose location was unknown to me. I looked at The Builder.  "Are these your people?"  No.  He also had no idea about any of this.  I looked Humbie up.  It is a little village near Edinburgh.  Who do I know in Edinburgh?  Ah.  Of course.  Cousin James.  And look.  There he is on the invitation.  Kimberley (who I have only ever heard called Kim) and James were to be wed, in Scotland, at the end of July.

And now, here we are, at the end of July.  And we have made our way up to Gifford, about 15 miles east of Edinburgh for the occasion.

We had a good run up the A1, stopping for lunch and the Fox and Pheasant in Durham (something of a find - fabulous chips, wonderful burger, cheerful bar staff, funky decor). It's only been open a couple of weeks. It deserves to do well.

Anyway.  We were booked into the Goblin Ha' in Gifford where, it seems, Jane had tried unsuccessfully to make a bulk booking back in January.  I think there is a music festival going on somewhere this weekend.  Lots of earnest, older folk dressed in folk-music style were at breakfast this morning and the hotel is fully booked.  We took the precaution of booking a table for dinner.

Peacefully munching on our dinner we were - when The Builder was ACCOSTED by a woman who snuck up behind him and hugged him.  It was Ruth, accompanied by Andy, Nicky and Jo. Not staying at the Goblin but at a B&B nearby.  We joined them at their table and had a merry evening eating and drinking.

Then we began to wonder where all the others were.  Possibly in the other hotel around the corner. We went to investigate - and found James and loads of other people sat in a dining room clearly finishing dinner.  Those of us from the Goblin cheerfully gatecrashed, drank their wine, met loads of people, generally partied on.  The Builder and I went back to our room at nearly 01:00!!

This morning I have remembered very clearly why I generally do not drink large quantities of red wine and definitely do not stay up partying until the wee smalls!!!!!

The Builder and I have been for a nice walk this morning with Ruth, up out of the village and along a farm track.  Some lovely views.  We ran across Jane carrying buttonholes and nosegays. Dotted about the village are: James; Jane and Neville; James' dad Michael, his wife Lynn and her two sons Richard and Phillip; Ruth, Andy, Nicky and Jo; Rosie and her husband; Paul and Carol are out there somewhere, along with Helen, Ian and Claire. It's a positive invasion!

And lots of them are staying in the other hotel, which apparently went into liquidation a few weeks ago but remains more or less trading.  One unexpected consequence of this was that, although they had showers in their bathrooms, they had no hot water.  We didn't have a shower, but did have hot water. I had a lovely soapy bath before breakfast this morning

Better get ready for the wedding, I suppose.  Nearly time to go.

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