Docklands, February 2025

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Chooks. And Fruit

The chickens have arrived!

We drove up to somewhere in the countryside, outside of Barnsley last evening and collected them.  Two Lohmans and two Black Rocks.  They seemed quite happy when we let them out into their run when we got back.  The cat was less happy.  He hasn't seen chickens before as far as I am aware, wasn't sure entirely what they were and wasn't hugely delighted to find them in his back garden!

We'll keep them confined to the run until they've got used to us, then let them out when there's someone around to keep and eye on them.  They are so far showing no huge interest in the outside world (other than wondering what the noise is when the passenger trains hurtle past on the railway line!).

I was going to call the Lohmans Sage and Onion (so encouraging them to lay eggs in order to avert being filled with the aforementioned sage and onion!!) but then I realised that this might well cause confusion should we happen to be referring to my niece who is also called Sage (There was a notable time when Roger at work dolefully announced the death of George and was a bit surprised by the reaction of the people around him.  We thought he meant our colleague George who happened to be off sick at the time.  In fact, he meant his son's hamster!!!!!)  So I have abandoned that idea and called them Marjoram and Parsley.

The Black Rocks are called Kiev and Schnitzel  :-)

You may remember that I said that the fruit trees weren't doing very well this year.  It's true.  They're not.  But here are some sights to make us happy.

And I noticed yesterday evening that the strawberries are nearly ready to pick.  No chickens out loose until after the strawberry season is over!

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