Docklands, February 2025

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Builder has met the bloke next door

No, no.  Not Steve.  We know Steve.  Other side! 

I've been wondering for some time what it is about our partner semi that attracts people who live in the dark with the curtains closed, who are seldom heard, seldom seen and who never, ever use the back yard.  I asked Facebook one day, and had a series of serial killer vampires diagnosed!

We knew a new bloke had moved in because we saw him carrying stuff in, and we occasionally hear the front door closing.  But he seemed to be yet another serial killer vampire.  We never heard him, seldom saw him and the curtains remained obdurately closed.  This time it was even weirder because we knew he had an Alsatian.  We had seen him taking it out in the mornings, but had never seen it in the yard and had never heard it.

Then on Wednesday The Builder was putting out the rubbish bin when the bloke walked past and stopped to talk to him. Turns out he isn't a serial killer vampire.  He's a chef, somewhere in Dronfield.  And he heads out at about 10 in the morning and doesn't get home again until after 10 at night.  He takes the dog with him.  And he works more or less seven days a week.  So that explains that, then.  I never see or hear him because I've gone by the time he gets up in the mornings and have gone to bed when he gets back.  The Builder says he seems quite pleasant.  Sean the Chef.  And Spirit the Alsatian.

I was pottering about in the kitchen on Thursday evening when The Builder ambled in with the phone.  It was Richard with a sad, sad tale.  He had been expecting to go out to dinner last night with not one but two beautiful ladies.  He'd booked a table at a country pub and everything.  And the beautiful ladies had now stood him up.  So, in their absence, he would be willing to put up with us, if we fancied dinner out in a country pub in the Peak District.

As it happened, we were free last evening and were delighted to join him at the Eyre Arms in Hassop. It was a beautiful evening. Richard was driving. The Peak District was looking beautiful.  And the food at the Eyre Arms isn't bad at all. You'll find a description of the meal here, should you be interested.  It was a good evening - and all the better for being unexpected.  Retirement seems to be agreeing with Richard.  Though he also seems to be extremely busy.  He's been doing some exam invigilating for us during our exam period but otherwise is merrily keeping occupied with the many projects that he used to squeeze into his spare time when he was working for us full time.

Right.  Must get up.  We're supposed to be going to Cambridge this morning and there is lots to do before we go.

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